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Triadic – Reflecting the fact that the patterns in reality that allow science to exist are composed of triads and repetitions of triadic relationships. Examples include three dimensions of space, three quarks are needed to form a proton, three forms of ordinary matter (solid, liquid, and gaseous), three force fields (electric, magnetic, gravitational), three kinds of human experience (physical, mental, and spiritual), three regular states of consciousness (Waking, sleeping, and dreaming), etc.
Dimensional – A basic feature of our experience of reality Recognizing the importance of extending the successful approach of Einstein and Minkowski, Kaluza, Klein, Pauli, and Nordstrom, using four, five, and six dimensions, to the hyper-dimensional domains existing beyond.
Vortical – A common pattern of mass/energy throughout the physical universe, from the rotations of elementary particles, to spiraling nebulae, to the structure of DNA and RNA molecules.
Paradigm – A set of concepts or a way of thinking, in this case it is meant to indicate a general model of reality that includes mathematics, dimensionality, and consciousness as fundamental. Continue Reading…